big sur marathon training: week 3 workouts + 3 yoga-inspired leg day strength moves

One point of interest on which I’ve honed of late: How can I combine yoga and strength training to create workouts that benefit my muscular development, as well as the mobility required of running long distances? I capped off a 40 mile week with a much-improved ITBS situation. I largely credit my continued improvement with PT exercises and more targeted, smarter yoga sequences with loosening my TFL and glute medius muscles and keeping my legs sharp.

In the gym, I tackled my hip weaknesses with the video below the log: Three Yoga-Inspired Leg Day Exercises! More details follow the log.

Monday, 1/13: 20 min elliptical + 40 min strength + 10 min elliptical

I’m enjoying using the elliptical as a warmup and cooldown during my weight sessions: last time, I felt my soreness was lessened from wheeling out my muscles after I completed the main sets . I did three reps of 2 minutes at a challenging effort during the first span, and spun very easy in the second.

Lifted heavy for my strength work and quite liked it!

  • 3 x 12 curtsy lunges (20-25-30#). 10 front raises and 10 upright rows between sets
  • 3 x 12 single leg deadlifts (20-25-30#). 10 Arnold presses and 10 pushups between sets
  • 3 x 12 goblet squats (35-40-45#). 10 bent over rows and 10 bicep curls between sets
  • 3 x 15 banded lateral leg raises
  • 3 x 20 supine hip flexor kicks (no idea what to call these)
  • 50 clamshells/side
  • 1 min wide-leg banded chair hold
  • 5 min cooldown stretch

Tuesday, 1/14: 9.26 miles, 8:58 pace

Threshold and speed intervals on am agreeable morning. On this run I passed the memorial site of a jogger who last weekend was struck and killed by a drunk driver. The shredded seawall was covered by a makeshift barrier and along the railings dangled flowers, softly shaking in the wind. I took a grateful yet sad draw of breath as I passed. Haunting few steps during my final long push of the set.

After a 1.7 mile warmup, I ran 4 x 1 mile at threshold effort (8:10, 8:05, 8:04, 8:08) with 1:30 jog recovery. I followed up with 800m at an easy pace, then 5 x 1 minute hard (7:5x-7:3x) with 1 minute easy jogs. Pretty pleased with the splits, though my shoes irritated me with some heel slippage. I probably just need to redo the lace pattern I put on them.

Wednesday, 1/15: 5.26 miles, 9:27 pace + 15 min PT

Hot midday miles by the bay. My legs felt heavy, probably from yesterday’s effort, but nice anyhow to get outside after an early workday. Inside, I performed some exercises for my TFL and glute activation: 3 x 30 donkey kicks, 3 x 20 banded bridges with abduction, 2 x 15 Warrior 3 knee-ups, 3 x 15 single-leg squats (against wall), and 3 x 20 eccentric hip drops.

Thursday, 1/16: 14.11 miles, 9:48 pace – long run

I had a grand old time during this extended outing! I began my route in a parking garage at the Tampe end of the Courtney Campbell Causeway, ran the whole span of the bridge (which links Hillsborough with Pinellas county) and ended on a hilly trail for the last 5K or so to reach my mom’s apartment. Waffles, a protein shake, and coffee awaited me. Water on both sides on the Causeway, so peaceful and nourishing to start in the dark and watch the slow ascent of day. My pace felt quite measured and steady the whole way through, and I even quickened during the final stretch. Also my first run wearing the Noxgear Tracer360. Super comfortable and doesn’t bounce light into my eyeballs.

I assisted in a gentle yoga class that afternoon to complete a YTT requirement. The instructor is a runner herself and most of the stretches were quite relevant to the sport. I helped with hands-on assists during some parts but got to practice a good chunk of the flow. Just what I needed.

Friday, 1/17: 5.24 miles, 9:53 pace + 35 min strength

Super easy midday miles featuring 20+ mph wind gusts – good training for Hurricane Point if the breeze so chooses to rear above the hilltops. I worried this run would flop since my legs creaked and protested upon swinging out of bed this morning, but a work shift and general movings-about loosened them up enough to render the run quite relaxing.

Headed to the gym straight after the run for a solid session:

  • 3 x 10 banded step-outs with jump
  • 5/8/10 reps lunge matrix (forward, lateral, reverse)
  • 3 x 15 skullcrushers
  • 3 x 15 single leg calf raises
  • 3 x 15 stability ball leg drops
  • 3 x 15 pistol squats
  • 2 x 40 banded clamshells
  • 5 min cooldown stretch

Saturday, 1/18: 35 min treadmill walk

Sunday, 1/19: 7.25 miles, 8:59 pace

I love my Sunday hill training and today was remarkably satisfying. Drove to the Causeway for a session combining intense uphill intervals with a marathon pace mile. I intend to gradually build upon this workout to include multiple pace miles and more hard reps, but I am fully happy with the result of this workout.

After a 2.6 mile warmup, I ran 2 x :90 up (7:21 & 7:34 pace), then 2 x :60 up (7:00 & 6:52 pace), and 2 x :45 up (6:45 & 6:49). I set the recoveries to lap button press and they ranged from 1:15-2:08. I floated for a half mile to recover, then slammed out a marathon-pace mile at 8:45 with a 1.1 mile cooldown to reach my car.

Total Mileage: 41.12

I’ve hit a 40 mile training week once, a year ago during my training for the 3 Daughters Half Marathon. I am SO pleased I managed this volume and really anticipate building from there! To do so, a good base of core, hip, and glute strength is imperative to reverse imbalances and prevent injury. This video highlights three of my favorite quick exercises you can plug into your leg day routine as bonus moves to improve your training regimen.

Some notes to remember:

  • Hone in on good form. Press into the feet, engage the core muscles by firming the low belly, and square the hips
  • 10-12 bodyweight reps to start, slowly building to 15-20 with bodyweight or additional weight

Ready? Let’s do this!

  1. Warrior 3 High Knees (each side)
  2. Yogi Squats
  3. Warrior 1 Hinges (each side)

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